Aaron Swartz MBACP, SEP Counselling, Psychotherapy & Somatic Experiencing & Heart Healing ™️ 
for Brighton & Hove & Lewes.

 Comprehensive Resource Model .  Comprehensive Resource Model

Comprehensive Resource Model


Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM)®

I have discovered that almost everybody who comes to therapy is ultimately dealing with unprocessed trauma. Often this is unrealised. One of the powerful modalities that I have discovered that works at processing this trauma is CRM.

The Comprehensive Resource Model® (CRM) is a neuro-biologically based, affect-focused trauma treatment model which facilitates targeting of traumatic experiences by bridging the most primitive aspects of the person and their brain (midbrain/brainstem), to their purest, healthiest parts of the self. This bridge catalyzes the mind and body to access all forms of emotional trauma and stress by utilizing layers of internal resources such as attachment neurobiology, breathwork skills, somatic resources, our connection to the natural world, toning and sacred geometry, and one’s relationship with self, our intuition, and higher consciousness. The sequencing and combination of these resources, and the eye positions that anchor them, provide the opportunity for unbearable emotions and pain to be stepped into and felt fully while the client is fully present and aware moment to moment which changes how the memories affect the person.

The new perspective obtained when the pain is stepped into allows a new orienting towards the emotions that have stayed, perhaps under the surface, since the time of the traumas. This provides a mismatch experience where the neurobiological confusion that arises when the body activation of “The pain is so unbearable I can’t possibly step into it” occurs closely in time before resource-based processing that leads to “I’ve just stepped into the pain and it looks different now. I’ve survived and it is bearable”. The mismatch occurring when the trauma memory has been activated concurrently with an opposing tolerable experience of that memory promotes reconsolidation of the memory so that it is laid down again in the brain’s memory systems without the distress it previously carried. We argue that CRM® is a memory reconsolidation therapy in which the crucial mismatches happen at the brainstem, rather than the cortical, level.

CRM® uniquely accesses and clears the origin of the split second moments of intolerable affect that result in defense responses which lead to life-interfering symptoms, addictions, and disconnection from self and others. The potential for clearing neurobiological debris from the nervous system clears the way for positive neuro-plasticity and personal expansion whether that is seen as spiritual or otherwise, and which is separate from one’s history of pain and woundedness.

Work is done from the time of conception through the present and includes methods for working with generational trauma out of the realm of the client’s conscious knowledge. This is a heart-centered approach in which clients are guided to re-member who they really are and to learn to embody their true authentic self in their day to day lives.

For a confidential chat please ring me on:

07768 762 123

or click here to email me.

As a way of making this service available to more people I have introduced sliding scale payment options. You choose which rate to pay based on your circumstances. If your on a low income, student or other circumstances, please get in touch, as I sometimes have concessionary slots available.
I also give 5% of my income to charity.
When working with me you will be contributing financially to the Refuge Crisis, Food Poverty & Restoring the  Natural World

Full rate: £120. For incomes above £ 50,000
​Middle rate: £85. For incomes less than £50,000
​Lower rate: £60. For incomes less than £40,000

I need 48 hours notice for any cancellations, otherwise I have to charge.

If less than 48hours notice, we will endeavour to re arrange within the week of the appointment.



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